Monday, July 13, 2020

A Life Sentence

Some days I feel like I am losing it.  The constant mental attention to Damien’s case over the years has been intense. I feel I lost my life when my son disappeared.  It’s a life sentence and I don’t know why.


I am in a tunnel and I don’t know who I am anymore but desperately searching for some light.  It’s not a life, it’s existing.  Anti-depressants don’t take away the situation.  Counseling helps to talk it through but it doesn’t solve the issue.  The issue is I have lost a child and I have no idea how or why.  My grief will be  endless until I find an answer and can begin to heal.  My life is flat. No highs and no lows just treading the flat line in hope, ‘one day we will get answers.’  


I am not alone. Too many others are suffering along with me. My family and friends.  Other families who have a missing person situation in their life suffer similarly.  We all hope somebody somewhere can help is shed light on our loved ones disappearance. 


  1. I truly hope you find the answers that you and your family deserve . It’s not fair that you’ve been hurting for this long , i pray that whoever knows something realises the damage of there silence and comes forwards . You deserve closure . Thinking of you val. x

    1. I live on the Isle of Wight, and will always keep an ear out for any possible information that may come to light one day.

  2. Beautiful Dermot. This is Dermot who runs the National Missing Persons Helpline who I support ��

  3. Only thing that I know to say that can help you is to turn to God. I know that he has all the answers and can help you more than anyone elsewhere ever could. Trust him.He loves and cares for you.
