Some days I feel like I am losing it. The constant mental attention to Damien’s case over the years has been intense. I feel I lost my life when my son disappeared. It’s a life sentence and I don’t know why.
I am in a tunnel and I don’t know who I am anymore but desperately searching for some light. It’s not a life, it’s existing. Anti-depressants don’t take away the situation. Counseling helps to talk it through but it doesn’t solve the issue. The issue is I have lost a child and I have no idea how or why. My grief will be endless until I find an answer and can begin to heal. My life is flat. No highs and no lows just treading the flat line in hope, ‘one day we will get answers.’
I am not alone. Too many others are suffering along with me. My family and friends. Other families who have a missing person situation in their life suffer similarly. We all hope somebody somewhere can help is shed light on our loved ones disappearance.