Sunday, November 25, 2018

Hope for Christmas

This is a hard time of year to negotiate if life has taken a turn you didn’t foresee.

Many valleys have I climbed into and out of over and over again, before and after my son vanished.  The valleys prior to my son going missing were life issues thrown my way I had to deal with and sometimes did it well and other times not so!

The valleys I have crawled in and out of since Damien vanished have indeed been the hardest to stay above.  However, life has a force that propels you forwards and there isn’t much choice but to keep breathing, move with it or you will perish.  Part of me feels frozen in time and it will always be the part needing most care.  The part propelled forwards has also brought a lot of joy as well as that lingering sadness.

There can be joy and there can be happiness and even though there is a lingering pain of loss, life does soothe the pain a little.  It’s not gone. Life has taught me to deal and heal with it.  Never give in and never give up.

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